
March 12, 2020 1 min read

e-Transfer (within Canada or from a Canadian financial institution) can be sent to ar@calgaryacademy.com. You must note your child’s name and the purpose of the funds in the memo.

Instructions for first-time payment (these may vary slightly between financial institutions):

  1. Login to online banking and select the option to Interac e-Transfer® or Make a Payment.
  2. Setup Calgary Academy as the recipient – enter ar@calgaryacademy.com as the recipient/account email address. Calgary Academy is setup to receive Autodeposits, meaning no password is required for Calgary Academy to receive money.
  3. Enter the amount of your payment and note your child’s name and the purpose of the funds in the message box (i.e. 2018/19 tuition for Student Name, or Student Name Grade 9 Field Trip).

For e-Transfer payments originating outside of Canada or if you require any additional information or assistance with payment, contact ar@calgaryacademy.com or call 403-686-6444 ext. 321 to speak with a finance team member.