Strategic Plan Consultation

October 16, 2020 2 min read

Back in 2017, when we envisioned what 2021 could look like, none of us could have predicted the massive disruption to teaching, learning, and life that COVID-19 would have. But we knew the areas we wanted to get stronger as an organization and we put the plan in place to get there. Our developments in learning supports, agile instruction, enhancement in technology, and all of the other learning and strategies we worked on these past years positioned us to be able to take on the abrupt change in the world around us. This time it was COVID-19. Next time, it will be something different.

Today, we launch the process for reimagining our future. What will 2025 look like? What do we need to get stronger in, to be able to face whatever comes next?

That’s the conversation we are about to embark on as a community. Over the next five months, we’ll be asking all members of our community to share their hopes and dreams for the future – for themselves, this school, and teaching and learning in general.

We’ll take these hopes and dreams and start to shape them into three distinct Strategic Plans. One each for Calgary Academy, Headwater Learning Solutions, and Headwater Learning Foundation.

While we won’t be having these conversations in the same room over four full days like last time, we will be utilizing all of the digital tools we’ve so recently become masters of. This will be a decentralized process, with opportunities to engage virtually and in small groupings of less than 20.

For now, all we ask is you start thinking about 2025. In the coming weeks and months, we’ll be reaching out for specific feedback, and the details of the schedule is included below.

  • October: Surveys
  • November: Focus Groups
  • December: Summary Report
  • January: Community Connection
  • February: Detailed Implementation
  • March: Draft Plans Unveiling

This work is being shepherded by a Strategic Planning Task Force. Under the direction of Dr. Greg Bass, a collection of staff have been assembled who represent long time and newer staff, instructional and non-instructional, and a diverse blend of teaching backgrounds. Thank you to each of the members below for their dedication to the strategic planning process!

Michelle Atkinson
Betty Braithwaite
Keith Madge
Lindsey Meredith
Paula Munoz
Natalie Vardabasso
Nick Waterbury