November SCOCA Update

November 27, 2018 2 min read

Many thanks to all those who attended the November SCOCA meeting. It was packed with interesting presentations and activities. For a detailed description of all the reports, please refer to the SCOCA minutes. Here are a few of the highlights …

The teachers truly enjoyed the fantastic food brought in by so many parent volunteers for the first ever Teacher Appreciation Event on November 13. Not only did they enjoy the hot meal and delicious salads, but many teachers were able to spend their break time together, building camaraderie and collegiality. Thank you to all families who supported this initiative. It was warmly appreciated! There continues to be many volunteer opportunities at CA, so please email our Volunteer Coordinators to find out how you can be involved (

Khobe, President of the CA Senior Student Executive, reported that the high school students have been having fun promoting school spirit and planning activities for the holiday season.

Mr. Tim Carlson shared how CA performed on the Accountability Pillar Online Reporting Initiative (APORI) from Alberta Education. Results help to identify areas where initiatives may be implemented in upcoming years. Full results will be posted on the CA website next week.

The Learning and Innovation team, headed by Executive Director Susan Poole, gave a great presentation on how teaching strategies are being individualized to meet each unique learner’s needs. We were introduced to some fantastic Information Technology that is being used to help maximize each student’s academic performance and how Learning Support Teams are supporting students as well as their families and teachers to promote social and self-advocacy skills. Calgary Academy truly offers a unique learning experience in this regard to our children!

SCOCA would love to hear from you! Please email us ( with your questions or comments. Our next meeting is January 21, 2019. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend!