Introducing SCOCA

October 19, 2021 3 min read

The School Council of Calgary Academy (SCOCA) serves as an advisory and consultative body to the school Principal, focusing on the views of the school community at large. All parents are automatically granted membership and are welcome at the meetings, along with student and staff representatives. Elections for the parent executive occur every spring. There are six SCOCA meetings a year: Oct., Nov., Dec., Jan., March and the AGM is in May.

SCOCA is a conduit between parents, teachers and the administration with the goal of having open communication, facilitating feedback, and ultimately building community through activities and events happening in and around the school, said SCOCA Chair Carolyn Whitelaw. 

Carolyn has been involved in the CA community since day one, she jokes. “I came in and asked right away, so what do you need?” When Carolyn and her son joined Calgary Academy, at the time the school didn’t have formalized parent volunteer opportunities, but Carolyn took it upon herself to get involved and help wherever she could.

Being on the SCOCA board is a centralized way for parents to get involved while also creating a sense of community, a safe place to voice opinions, and a way to provide feedback.”  

The SCOCA Board is always looking for volunteers and it is not a huge time commitment. As a board member, parents can volunteer as a scribe, create bulletin boards, or help with events such as Dig Pink, drama productions, and staff appreciation lunches.

The biggest area of focus for SCOCA this year is creating what Carolyn calls the ‘CA neighborhood.’ The 40th Anniversary will also be a major area of focus, requiring parental involvement and support, most notably the upcoming Gala (February, 2022) event that will need many parent volunteers. SCOCA will also be busy with Athletics this year, especially with the large number of student athletes.

Each SCOCA meeting has standing reports and agenda items; however, each month is different based on what is happening at the school. Every meeting features a report from Principal Tim Carlson, on what events are happening within the school and a COVID-19 update. Meetings include two SCOCA reports – one from the chair, and then a volunteers report. Additionally, student representatives from Calgary Academy Student Executive (CASE) provide a standing update. There are also regularly updates from President & CEO, Dr. Greg Bass, Board Chair, Gary Purcell, and CAPA President, Aaron Lane.

Overall, SCOCA provides parents with a great opportunity to get involved in the school community and  make a difference in shaping the future of Calgary Academy.

To learn more about volunteering with SCOCA please read the Volunteer Handbook.