FestivARTS Recap

June 1, 2021 2 min read

This past weekend, FestivARTS made its debut. Clinicians from across the globe, students and teachers from across Canada, all supported by a strong CA Team. The team is grateful for this experience and owe some well-deserved thank you’s to several people:

Thank you to the FestivARTS CA Team

The time, effort and heart that everyone put into this festival formed the foundation of relationships upon which all others were built. Thank you for investing yourselves in this project – it wouldn’t have been possible without each and every one of your contributions.

Thank you to the Participants

CA was represented at the festival by 10 young musicians. Their creativity and collaboration skills made the CA community proud and contributed to 5 original compositions that were performed at the FestivARTS live virtual concert. If you see them in the hallway, congratulate them on their participation and performance!

Grade 7: Luke W, Jalen W, Andy J, Lauren E, Lars K-E
Grade 8: David S, Jedi J
Grade 10: Sarah I
Grade 12: Christian M, Courtney F

Thank you to the Flies on the Wall

The team is so grateful for the CA Community members who joined in the FestivARTS Community as Flies on the Wall, observing the variety of workshops over the course of the weekend. Thank you for making your presence felt and for supporting this initiative!

Thank you to the CA Community

Thank you for the encouragement, the positive comments, and the support. Conversations are starting for FestivARTS 2022. If you would like to become an organizing member of this community, send Becky Funk a message.

Thank you to Mayor Nenshi who kicked off FestivARTS Saturday and welcomed everyone with some inspiring words about the importance of arts in education.