Exemplary Practice and Student Showcase

March 16, 2021 3 min read

Twice a year the Board of Directors recognizes staff and students for exemplary work, leadership, or contributions to the school community. This February, the Board was honoured to present Grade 7 student Will and teacher Jaclyn Demmers with this special honour!

We are delighted to announce Jaclyn Demmers as the recipient of the Exemplary Practice award for her work inside the classroom and as part of the Balanced Assessment committee. Grade 7 Student Will P. was honoured as the recipient of the Student Showcase award for his efforts building the CA Minecraft world, and for serving as a role model to his peers. Both recipients were presented their certificates and honoured at the February Board Meeting.

Exemplary Practice: Jaclyn Demmers

Ms. Demmers has been with Calgary Academy since 2016, teaching math and science in junior high in innovative and creative ways. While still early in her career, Jaclyn has actively sought ways to build her knowledge, apply her expertise, and share her experiences with her colleagues.

Working alongside a veteran project-based learning teacher, Jaclyn came to deeply appreciate and understand the value of integrative learning in the Calgary Academy learning model. She has advanced the junior high approach to math and science, as evidenced by her exceptional Ecosystems project this year, where students researched, built, and described their ecosystems in a documentary film of their own making. This project was an exemplary model of how both engagement and rigour to meet academic outcomes can coexist.

Going over and above her classroom commitments, Jaclyn was one of the first members of the Assessment Working Committee, lending her math and science background to the development and dissemination of the Balanced Assessment Framework. She has led professional learning workshops with large groups of staff and remains committed to promoting assessment practices that build the confidence and competence of learners.

Jaclyn is an excellent example of a teacher demonstrating excellence, leadership, and innovation to the Calgary Academy community.

Congratulations, Jaclyn!

Student Showcase: Will P.

Will is an incredibly gifted and creative thinker demonstrated by the leadership he shows in all of his classes, particularly in Multimedia. His imaginative and inspired take on Minecraft: Education Edition has been fundamental throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. He has shown his teachers how it can foster an inclusive community and encourage a broad reach of learning even beyond the classroom. This has also inspired a collaborative environment as he encouraged his fellow students to add their creative flair to Calgary Academy’s Minecraft Server.

Will worked independently with one of the IT Administrators to build “Halloween Town” and “Christmas Town” for younger students to explore as a fun, creative activity. These are just two examples of how his empowered and creative leadership approach has given younger students memorable and interactive experiences.

Outside of class, Will also serves as a noble role mode to his peers. He volunteers as a Student Moderator for younger grades on his own time and has quickly become a beacon of guidance and support for younger students.

Will is not only enthusiastic, patient, and calm, but his spirit has created an inclusive community for his fellow students and teachers to learn from, making him a shining example of what REACH is all about.

Congratulations, Will!