Adopt-a-Family 2022: A Season of Giving

December 20, 2022 4 min read

The holidays are a time of connection between family, friends, and everyone in between. People are looking forward to warm meals, but many Calgarians experience pressure during December, balancing their holiday budget and daily necessities. 

This holiday season, Calgary Academy helped raise funds and awareness for disadvantaged families through Closer to Home’s Baby Drive, Cool Kids Care, and Adopt-a-Family. From one neighbour to another, the CA community has made an unforgettable impact for those in need. 

While our initiatives have closed for the season, their impact will last long. With over $10,000 raised and two trucks overflowing with diapers, cribs, strollers, and other necessities, students, staff, and families helped spread some holiday cheer. However, the amount of money raised isn’t important—the thought, care, and kindness behind these donations are the real gift.


From the CA Community to the Calgary Community  

Altruism is a guiding principle of Calgary Academy—one the CA community represents every day. Throughout December, students, staff, and parents worked hard to bring donations for meaningful causes, whether diapers and formula, or money for holiday gifts. CA’s Director of Stakeholder Engagement, Sarah Hoag, understands the impact of these donations. 

 “It’s amazing what our families bring in. It ends up impacting so many families. Our CA community is incredibly generous.”  – Sarah Hoag, Director of Stakeholder Engagement

CA students in Kindergarten to Grade 6 participated in Cool Kids Care, a fundraising initiative for vulnerable Calgary families. Students receive a profile of a child, their interests, and what they’d like for the holidays.  

Participating students understand the impact they make with these donations for those in need. CA student Luka K. believes the importance of Cool Kids Care is the simple act of helping others. 

Besides wishing an enthusiastic, “happy holidays” to the families receiving donations, Luka says he enjoys helping those in need: “I like helping out. My favourite thing is knowing that you can make a difference in someone’s life.”  

Child carrying baby supplies for the Closer to Home Baby Drive

Closer to Home’s Baby Drive helps young mothers and families access necessities like formula, diapers, bottles, and toys. This year, Grade 7, 8, and 10 students brought supplies to their classrooms for over a week, sending donations to a resource centre on Dec. 9. 

The turnout for donations was impressive, with cribs, toys, and strollers lining up on the sidewalk outside the school. With one truck about to overflow, a second was necessary to handle all the items CA students and parents donated. 

CA student and spokesperson for the Baby Drive, Solomon D., looks forward to December fundraising each year. He enjoys seeing the entire CA community come together to help those in need. 

“There’s a group of people who love making a difference. It’s great as a school because everyone really cares.”  – Solomon D., student and Baby Drive spokesperson

The final initiative CA students participated in was Adopt-a-Family, a program providing in-need families with gift cards to cover expenses this holiday season. The Grade 9, 11, and 12 classes created fundraising pages to share throughout the school and with family and friends. 

With rising costs, any amount can help families enjoy the holidays and celebrate with those they love. Student Ava. T appreciates the focus Calgary Academy puts on giving back as a community. 

“I like that CA provides these altruistic opportunities. It’s fun to help and know I’m doing something good through my school. Everybody as a group contributes, not only a few people.”  – Ava T., student


Happy Holidays from Calgary Academy  

Adopt-a-Family ended in the best possible way, an appreciation from Closer to Home. Students passed hot chocolate and candy canes out to each other, celebrating the success of this year’s fundraising. 

Two hands holding a candy cane at the Adopt A Family hot chocolate event

The money raised for the Calgary community shows what can happen when people come together toward a common goal.  

As the school prepares to break for the holidays, stay updated on what Calgary Academy has planned for 2023!