A Story From Our CAPA 50/50 Raffle Winner

April 9, 2021 2 min read

The CAPA 50/50 raffle came to a close this week and we are excited to announce that $10,250 was raised. This means that $5,125 will go towards CA bursary fund and the other half to our lucky winner, Taunya Craig! Taunya’s son, Carter, is a current Grade 12 student and he has been positively impacted by Calgary Academy for the last six years.

By: Calgary Academy parent and CAPA 50/50 raffle winner, Taunya Craig

Carter is graduating from Calgary Academy this year! He has attended CA for six years, starting in their Academy stream, which helps students understand their own unique way of learning, builds on strengths, and develops transferrable tools and strategies. Carter has always been a brilliant mind, and yet he also has a learning disability, one that hindered his ability to write his thoughts – which is necessary for many things, including testing.

He soon bridged that gap and spent the rest of his time in the Collegiate stream. This has allowed him to find a love of learning, make exceptional friends, and be completely ‘known’ by the staff at CA.


Carter has now been accepted to the University of Calgary for Astrophysics, so the proof is in the pudding! CA absolutely met his needs and delivered for him.

This last year was a hard one for me financially, having my private practice slow down, speaking gigs cancelled, and having to pivot. Once again CA had a solution. CAPA has a bursary program and I was accepted to help with his tuition.

In return, we work bingos. Well, with COVID-19, bingos are halted and CAPA had to get creative so they could keep helping deserving kids get the support they deserve in this exceptional school.

About the Calgary Academy Parents’ Association (CAPA) 50/50 Raffle

The Calgary Academy Parents’ Association (CAPA) raises $100,000 each year through volunteering at bingos and casinos. These funds go towards the Calgary Academy bursary program and COVID-19 has made their typical fundraising streams unavailable this year. Because of your support, you are allowing students like Carter to attend a school that can change their lives by providing them with the education and confidence they need to succeed in an ever-changing world.