A Reimagined School Schedule with Blended+

April 23, 2021 2 min read

Most of us are familiar with a one-size-fits-all school schedule where students switch classes each time the bell rings. What if schedules could be personalized? That’s what Blended+ aims to do. There’s much more choice and voice for students and their families to make a schedule that fit their needs, strengths, and interests.

Together with the weekly learning format, students can customize their schedule to spend more time in areas of need and accelerate their learning in other areas during the week, as well as still continue to learn with their peers who aren’t in Blended+. Take a peek!

*Subject to change based on finalization of Calgary Academy schedule

Let’s break down the different types of learning featured in Blended+

  • Blended Flex Learning: this is where students can choose to learn with teachers and peers in our classroom and common learning areas on campus. They can also choose to learn online at home or wherever they happen to be while maintaining high levels of teacher support and connection. During Blended Flex blocks, teachers are constantly connecting with students through 1-1 conferences, small group tutorials, and interactive seminars.
  • Online Direct Instruction: Since daily direct instruction as a class is online via Teams, students can learn anywhere they have online access. During these lessons, teachers instruct, answer questions, and provide guidance. Students learn together with their Blended+ class.
  • On Campus and Off-Site Experiential Learning: On Wednesdays, Blended+ classes are together to engage in learning that works best in person. We make this time count by focusing on active hands-on learning such as labs, projects, and interactive seminars. This is also the time that students will take supervised tests. Off-site experiential learning trips add authenticity to instruction by connecting students with experts, facilities, and networks in our larger community.
  • Phys-Ed and Integrated Studies: Students have the option to take their PE and Integrated Studies courses in-person for the school year. This expands experiences and provides an opportunity for students to learn with their CA peers not in the Blended+ program, but in the Academy and Collegiate programs. For students who prefer a more flexible PE and Integrated Studies schedule, a blended learning option is available that does not require them to be on campus each afternoon.

Still have questions?

We'd love to talk to you about how Blended+ can be customized for your child's individual needs. Request a time to chat with us below.