This is Irina.
For most of our students and parents, she is the first face you see when introduced to our school. Irina is the admissions guru and has been a trusted advocate of Calgary Academy since 1997. Irina is a breath of fresh air, a brilliant smiling face that can be felt even through the mask. Her passion for our school and our mission is exhilarating to be around, which is why she was such an easy choice to feature during February, the season of love. CA is incredibly fortunate to have Irina on the team, and we love her.
Irina came from Belarus at the age of 5 and settled flawlessly into Albertan life. She did her undergraduate at the University of Calgary and a Master’s degree at Wilfred Laurier University in Waterloo. She has an impeccable sense of style and in her spare time loves spending time with her husband and three children, shopping, watching ‘90s rom-coms, running and spending evenings walking with friends and can always be won over with chocolate.
But what makes Irina LOVE CA? Irina started as a teacher here at CA, unlike other schools, she had worked with previously, she was vastly excited about the possibilities that could be. She was intrigued by our mission of putting the child first and fully took advantage of the fact that she had mentors to guide her in the CA way.
She thrived in a thoughtful, thorough, and intentional environment: one with an organized process that sets both staff and students up for success. And succeeded she did. Within the decade, Irina moved on to Assistant Principal and then to her current role with Admissions. She truly has seen the school from all angles. If you have ever spent any time in her presence, you will know that Irina excels at what she does. She loves her current role because she finds motivation everyday through the stories she hears from prospective students and parents. Her approachable charm makes it easy for everyone to open up to her. I can assure you that the connection you get is real–her care is genuine and heartfelt, it is impossible not to gain that instantaneous connection.
As a CA parent herself, Irina knows how vital the work we are doing is, she can confirm first hand that CA does change people’s lives and believes in the school’s mission, vision, and values.
So, what does Irina love most about her role?
The transformations! From enrollment to graduation, she is inspired by everyone’s unique journey. In her words, she could not do her job if she didn’t live and breathe it. Irina truly is changing lives one child at a time.
CA loves Irina to bits, and we are thrilled that she continues to rock her roll every single day!