
We are pleased to offer transportation to all Calgary Academy students through First Student. For the 2023-2024 school year, 15 routes are in operation across all quadrants of the city, De Winton, and Bragg Creek.

Our bus routes are redesigned routes every year to transport students in a safe and efficient manner. Our bussing provider normally sends information for the upcoming school year out by the third week in August to families who indicated interest by submitting the student transportation form during enrolment.

Bus Status App

Track your child’s delayed, early, or cancelled bus using this app.


View transportation fees and sibling discounts.


Existing families can access their transportation contract and pay fees.

Minimizing Ride Times

To reduce ride times, routes are developed that minimize the number of communities and the total number of stops on each bus route. If your child is the only stop in a community, it may be necessary for parents to drive to a common morning pick up location in another community. Calgary Academy will endeavour to drop off these students at their home address in the afternoon. To maximize route efficiency, Junior and Senior High students living in the same community may be required to walk reasonable distances (up to 1 km) to a common pick-up location. Once bus routes have been established, changes will only be accommodated if they do not affect the overall student ride times. 

Communities We Serve

Calgary Academy provides for the safe, reliable, and financially sustainable transportation of students who live within the service area identified by Calgary Academy and are registered for transportation service within the timelines specified by Calgary Academy.

Category I
Students living within the Transportation Service Area Category I will not normally be picked up prior to 7:00 a.m. for the morning transportation service, with an approximate seventy-five (75) minute ride time. Afternoon ride times may exceed seventy-five (75) minutes due to traffic delays. Weather, road conditions, and construction may also adversely impact ride times. Calgary Academy will endeavour to maintain service at the standard identified for non-exception service through the addition of bus routes.

Category II
Students living within the Transportation Service Area Category II will not normally be picked up prior to 6:45 a.m. for the morning transportation service, with an approximate ninety (90) minute ride time. Afternoon ride times may exceed ninety (90) minutes due to traffic delays. Weather, road conditions, and construction may also adversely impact ride times. Calgary Academy will endeavour to maintain service at the standard identified for non-exception service through the addition of bus routes.

If your community is not listed below, please contact the Transportation Coordinator.