Meet Our People: Angela Gerrish

June 8, 2023 4 min read

Almost one year into her career at Calgary Academy, Angela Gerrish has already profoundly impacted the school community, staff and students included.

She has never been afraid to try new things, whether it’s coaching a sport she’s never played before, joining the staff slo-pitch team, or stepping into her new role as the Advancement and Alumni Relations Coordinator.

Joining the CA Community

Angela has always been passionate about education and working closely with others. Before coming to CA, she worked at SAIT, her alma mater, as a representative of the SAIT Students’ Association (Saitsa).

Angela Gerrish outside interacting with Calgary Academy students at a school event.She jumped at the chance to work with CA in July of 2022 as the Advancement Assistant, working to help build out the school’s database of past students and other stakeholders. Now she steps into her new role to collaborate and assist the school’s ever-growing alumni community.

Never afraid to put herself out there, Angela has quickly gotten involved in the school community. She became the coach of the Grade 7 girls volleyball team, wanting to build direct connections with students and challenge herself to learn something new. The CA community has been the highlight for Angela in her time at the school so far.

“I really love it here… Even though I’m not instructional staff, I still get to be in the school culture because there are opportunities everywhere to get involved.”

If you don’t hear Angela called by her name in the hallway, it’s likely one of her various nicknames—she’s still referred to as coach by all her Grade 7 students.

While she appreciates all the CA staff she works with, Angela loves working with students and making an impact, even if just a passing smile in the hallways. She’s always available to chat with a student or ask how their day is going.

“I love interacting with all the students… They all have different personalities and perspectives. Building that mentorship and trust has been awesome… I love seeing them grow and become members of society.” – Angela

Looking to the Future of Alumni Relations

In her new role, Angela will be the face of the alumni community at CA, helping former students stay connected with their school long after they throw their graduation caps in the air. By definition, her role is to help plan and implement programs that help CA alumni participate in the school community. Any student walking through our halls is a knight, no matter how long they attend CA.

July 1 is Angela’s first official day in her new role, and she’s excited to connect with alumni and find new ways for them to get involved with the school.

“I’m looking forward to providing more opportunities for alumni. I want to engage our alumni and be a resource—CA’s support doesn’t end when you graduate.” – Angela

One area of alumni relations Angela is fond of is the connection with current students. CA says farewell to a new class of graduates each year, and building relationships is essential as students move on to post-secondary, travel, and new careers. She hopes to find ways to connect current students with the extensive alumni community.

“My hope is that we foster our current relationships with alumni, but also engage new ones. We want to create collaborative moments and more opportunities for alumni if they choose to get involved.”

Calling All Alumni

While her new role doesn’t begin until July 1, Angela is keen to connect with as many alumni as possible before then. If you have ideas for alumni events or programming, are looking for information on supports and resources, or just want to say ‘hi’ and share your story, Angela wants to hear from you!

Any CA alumni looking to get involved with the CA community in any capacity can reach out to Angela or Director of Philanthropy Debra Klippenstein through the alumni email at