Meet Our People: Kristy VandeGraft

October 8, 2024 3 min read

Each school year begins fresh at Calgary Academy, with newly set-up classrooms, new faces joining the teaching staff, and teachers switching grades. However, you can always find one teacher in Senior School: Kristy VandeGraft.

Your favourite teacher’s favourite teacher, Ms. VandeGraft, is well-remembered by many CA alums years after graduating. Her connection with her students and love of the CA community has made her a powerhouse educator and cherished teacher.

Seventeen Years at Calgary Academy

Ms. VandeGraft found her teaching niche before she ever stepped in front of the classroom. Working with various children’s camps at the YMCA, she ran day camps, home-school and after-school programs for all ages.

She found her fit working with older teenagers, which translated well when she became a teacher—she saw her career as a natural progression. Ms. VandeGraft enjoys seeing students discover themselves as they move through Grades 9–12, whether it’s finding a new hobby, favourite subject, or potential career interest.

“I like the older grades because you can have these real conversations. I feel like students start to come into their own… you see them discover these realizations about what they like or don’t like.” – Ms. VandeGraft

Ms. VandeGraft has been at Calgary Academy for 17 years now. During this time, she’s seen the school grow and change with new technology, new paint on the walls, and even new additions to the building. This year she has even joined the Blended+ program, teaching in a hybrid setting.

No matter the school’s changes, she feels that what makes CA special has stayed the same. Being a teacher is Ms. VandeGraft’s job, but she has stayed at Calgary Academy because of its community.

“When I started, our school was much smaller. But even as we’ve grown, that sense of community has been maintained… I have met some of my best friends here. I have gone through hard things with people here. I have gone through great things with people here, and it really is like a second family to me.”

Celebrating Her Students’ Formative Years

A core part of Ms. VandeGraft’s teaching style is relationship building. She sees trust as essential for educating students. While she has lessons to teach, her students need to know they are in a safe place to make mistakes and truly learn.

Ms. VandeGraft sees herself as a champion for her students—someone who always supports her classroom. In her words, “students need a cheerleader, not just in school but in life.”

“I want my students to know that it’s okay to make mistakes and that I will help them work through them… Curriculum objectives must be met, but ideally, students learn about themselves and gain skills to work through challenges outside the classroom.” – Ms. VandeGraft

As a Senior School teacher, Ms. VandeGraft sees her students experience many firsts—first jobs, cars, university applications, and more. Her classroom isn’t just a place for academic learning but a space where personal growth is nurtured and milestones are celebrated.

To her, seeing her students succeed, academically and personally, drives her as a teacher more than anything. It’s her favourite thing about teaching—something that is unlikely to change with time.

“Academic successes are great. We’ll celebrate all of those, but really, it’s the personal successes. Whether it’s ‘I got my first job’ or ‘I got my driver’s license,’ all of that stuff to me is, hands down, the best part about teaching.”