Eddie and Joey May: Brothers No Matter the Distance

October 7, 2024 4 min read

Stand in Calgary Academy’s Main Gym and look up at the various banners adorning the walls and you’ll see one that stands out for the humongous names covering it. You won’t need to squint to see two particular names, Eddie and Joey May (’16), written in huge bubble letters on the 2014–2015 senior boys rugby championship banner.

It’s been nine years since they left the school. Their lives post-graduation are different, but the brothers once again live together in Fredericton, NB, while Eddie completes his law degree and Joey works in the Canadian Armed Forces.

Lessons and Memories at Calgary Academy

Eddie and Joey attended Calgary Academy from Grades 7–12, graduating in 2016. Being twins, they were always together growing up, and this didn’t change when Eddie went to CA. Knowing his brother would be attending a different school soon, Joey decided to join him and go to Calgary Academy.

“I remember in Grade 6—we were talking with our family, trying to figure out where we might go to junior high school. My parents were looking at having Eddie go to Calgary Academy, and I remember deciding I didn’t want to be somewhere other than he is.”

The brothers have many fond memories from their CA days, including a week-long trip to Vancouver Island, where they rode on an old military boat (formally known as the HMCS Fortune). They built meaningful relationships with their teachers and classmates and participated in school sports, where they won their rugby championship in Grade 11.

Eddie notes that his teachers were essential in providing successful learning strategies he still uses today.

They always pushed him to strive for his best, even if a test or assignment initially felt challenging. His hard work has paid off in his post-secondary education.

“At the time, I think it was something I was frustrated about, but looking back, I found Grade 12 English class difficult. Then I ended up in university, where I was regarded as a fantastic writer among my classmates.”

The REACH (respect, enthusiasm, altruism, commitment, and respect) principles made a particular impact on Joey. Reflecting on his time in school, he sees how important these values are in teaching someone how to act and treat others throughout life.

Reunited in New Brunswick

Until recently, Eddie and Joey had not lived under the same roof in years. After high school, they played a year of Junior A hockey together before moving to different teams. With time, the brothers went on their paths—Eddie completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Victoria, and Joey attended the Royal Military College of Canada in Ontario.

Joey was approached about playing for the military college in Kingston in his final year of junior hockey. After researching what his future could hold, he accepted and joined the Regular Officer Training Plan, allowing him to earn an undergraduate degree and a job simultaneously.

Eddie became interested in law during his Bachelor of Commerce degree in Victoria.

He loved spending outdoors surfing and hiking and eventually became interested in an Indigenous energy project in British Columbia, becoming fascinated with the prospect of a future career in a similar industry.

“I felt that getting a law degree and pursuing a legal career would be able to get my foot in the door to work on either energy law or resource law with an Indigenous focus.”

Seeing a future he was passionate about, Eddie looked to where he could go to school and settled on the University of New Brunswick for its smaller classes (which was something he appreciated at Calgary Academy) and proximity to Joey, who was stationed in the area.

Joey was only 15 minutes from campus, and being so close to each other once more, the brothers decided to live together for the first time in seven years.

Looking to the future, Eddie and Joey are excited about their respective career paths. Eddie looks forward to finishing his law degree and entering an industry where he can continue evolving. Joey is excited to continue building his skills and taking advantage of the diversity of opportunities he has in the military.

However, both brothers are living in the present, appreciating their time together. Joey doesn’t know what the future truly holds but knows that their relationship will never change, no matter the distance between them.

“We don’t know where our lives will take us, but as brothers, I don’t see our relationship changing… I’m excited to spend the time I have with Eddie and see him at law school. I’m glad I get to show him a part of my life, too.”