School Council

SCOCA enhances the educational experience of students at Calgary Academy and provides a forum for parents to learn about important issues affecting the school.

In 2018, our school proudly launched the School Council of Calgary Academy (SCOCA). Composed of parent, student, and staff representatives, this council serves as a consultative body to the school Principal. With a focus on the views of the school community at large, this advisory council is open to every parent at CA! All parents are automatically granted membership and are welcome at meetings. Elections for the executive occur each spring.

Upcoming Events

24 Feb

School Council Meeting

6:30 PM
12 May

School Council Meeting

Annual General Meeting

6:30 PM

Volunteer with SCOCA

Volunteers are an integral part of our school. The role of SCOCA parent volunteers is to provide hands-on support to staff at Calgary Academy for a variety of special assignments such as school events, fundraising, scribing for student exams, and more. This is a great opportunity for parents to get directly involved in the CA community and make a difference in the lives of students and staff.