New at CA?

Thank you for choosing Calgary Academy! Changing schools is a big step, and we are here to make the transition as smooth as possible. This page is your one-stop-shop for everything you'll need prior to your child beginning classes at CA.

You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers.

Changing schools is a big transition, and we are here to help make it as smooth a process as possible. We’ll be adding need-to-know information to this page throughout the summer.

Summer Concierge

This summer, you can call Calgary Academy Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to speak with a staff member who will be able to answer your questions or further direct your inquiry. Speak to the Summer Concierge today! Call 403-686-6444 or email


There are a number of online tools needed for the best possible CA experience – luckily, most of these tools allow you to log in with one set of credentials! Parents can access LunchTime and Rycor through PowerSchool if your credentials are a match. New families were sent PowerSchool instructions in June, and can now log in to purchase Knights Swag, support the Legacy Award by purchasing a Limited Edition 40th Anniversary Mural Tote Bag, or sign up for CASSC – the very popular Ski and Snowboard Club. In August, parents can create a LunchTime account in order to pre-order lunches and load funds onto your child’s Castle Café account. Please note: although you can access the Enrolment Portal (SchoolAdmin) on the landing page in PowerSchool, you will still need to log into the Enrolment Portal separately. These systems are not compatible.


PowerSchool is your one-stop shop for to access newsletters, make online payments (via Rycor), and place Castle Café lunch orders (via LunchTime), as well as your child’s academic progress reports.


LunchTime is the Castle Café’s cashless program à la carte or pre-order program. Unique cards are issued and parents can load funds onto cards via credit card (no service fees) using the LunchTime program.


Rycor allows parents to complete all waivers and forms for field trips, sports, clubs, and extracurricular activities, order CA Merchandise, and make all payments in the “Cart” via credit card (no service fees).
Rycor is accessed through PowerSchool.

New Families FAQs

We know it can be overwhelming to keep a new school’s processes, information, and contacts straight – that’s why we’ve compiled a list of FAQs to help you navigate your way around CA. We’ll be capturing all the FAQs that come up at New Family Welcome, and incorporating them here. Check back throughout the summer for additional FAQs!

Technical Support

What if I do not have all the required documents or they do not apply to my child?

Please ensure you make notes on your online application form in the designated fields, or you can email us if there are documents you cannot provide or those that do not apply to your child.


How do I access the online application portal?

You can access your online application portal by using this link or you can click Apply Now.

Can I make changes to my application after it has been submitted?

After you have applied, you can still make changes and update your documents within SchoolAdmin.

Keep this Info Handy!

Here’s your quick reference for important contact information you’ll need once the school year begins.

All important contact information can be found on page 6 of the Family Handbook.

Attendance Hotline

If your child is going to be absent, please contact the school the morning of the absence by email or calling 403.686.6444 and choosing the school absence line.

IT Help Desk

Having trouble accessing PowerSchool, LunchTime or Rycor? Does your child need assistance with their device? Email our IT Help Desk.


Busing is provided through First Student. Questions about busing can be directed to Brian Wittwer.