2025-2026 Fees

A child's education is an important investment, and we strive to provide exceptional value for your child's tuition dollars. All costs and payment details for the 2025-26 school year are listed below.

Tuition and Supply Fees

Our tuition and supply fees are outlined below for the 2025-26 school year.

Academy (Gr 3–12)
Collegiate (Gr 3–12)
Blended+ (Gr 9–12)
Early Years (Gr K–2)

Application Fee


$ 250
$ 250
$ 250
Early Years:
$ 250

New Enrolment Deposit


$ 700
$ 700
$ 700
Early Years:
$ 700

New Family Initiation Fee

New families are not required to pay this fee until Grade 1. 

$ 2,500
$ 2,500
$ 2,500
Early Years:
$ 2,500


$ 22,000
$ 17,400
$ 17,400
Early Years:
$ 17,400

Supply Fee Kindergarten

Includes a school provided device, technology support, school supplies, yearbook, standard class field trips, awards and recognition nights, and some retreats.

Early Years:
$ 900

Supply Fee Grade 1 – Grade 2

Includes a school provided device, technology support, school supplies, yearbook, standard class field trips, awards and recognition nights, and some retreats.

Early Years:
$ 1,150

Supply Fee Grade 3 – Grade 7

Includes a school-provided device, technology support, school supplies, yearbook, field trips, recognition nights, and retreats.

$ 1,150
$ 1,150
Early Years:

Supply Fee Grade 8 – Grade 12

Includes technology support, school supplies, yearbook, field trips, recognition nights, and retreats (excluding Graduation). Field trips and retreats are included in Blended+ tuition.

$ 600
$ 600
$ 300
Early Years:

Tuition & Supply Fee Contract Options

Calgary Academy offers three payment options for tuition and supply fee contracts, along with various methods of payment. Please review the available options and payment methods below to select the one that best suits your family.

Full Payment

One-time full payment due Sept. 15, 2025

Split Payment

Two equal payments due Sept. 15, 2025 and Jan. 15, 2026

There is a $250 finance fee for this option.

10 Monthly Payments

Ten equal payments due on the 15th of each month between Sept. 2025 and June 2026.

There is a $500 finance fee for this option.


Forty percent (40%) of this fee is refundable if canceled after Aug. 15 and prior to Jan. 1. This fee is non-refundable after Jan. 1.

First Child
Additional Child
Additional Stop/Child

One-Way Busing

Available for students in Blended+ and Kindergarten-Grade 8.

First Child:
$ 1,900
Additional Child:
$ 1,900
Additional Stop/Child:
$ 600

Two-Way Busing

Available for all programs.

First Child:
$ 2,900
Additional Child:
$ 2,250
Additional Stop/Child:
$ 600

Available Payment Methods for Tuition and Transportation

Online Bill Payment e-Transfer Enrolment Portal

New Family Initiation Fee

Upon enrolment, all new families are required to pay a one-time, non-refundable fee of $2,500, regardless of the number of children enroled (one fee per family). Kindergarten students are not required to pay this fee until Grade 1. The many families and staff of Calgary Academy, along with generous donors, have contributed to the continuous upgrade of our school facilities. New Calgary Academy families are required to continue the tradition to ensure students of the future can also enjoy a well-maintained facility that they can be proud to call their school. Please note, if families are enroling more than one child who is new to Calgary Academy, only ONE New Family Initiation Fee payment is required in the amount of $2,500. If you have had other children previously enroled at Calgary Academy in which you have paid this fee, you will not be required to pay. 

Mid-Year Enrolment

If enrolment/re-enrolment occurs after Sept. 1 but prior to Nov. 30 of the school year, payment of full tuition and all fees are required. If enrolment/re-enrolment occurs after Nov. 30 of the school year, payment of tuition will be prorated for the number of months in which enrolment/re-enrolment occurs to the end of the school year plus two months. All fees are still required and will not be prorated.


If the withdrawal of a student occurs prior to Jan.  31 of the school year, payment of tuition up to the month in which the withdrawal occurred + two months’ tuition after the month in which the withdrawal occurred is required. If the withdrawal of a student occurs after Jan. 31 of the school year, payment of the entire balance of the annual tuition and fees for the school year is required.

If the expulsion of a student occurs at any time during the school year, payment of the entire balance of the annual tuition and fees for the school year is required.

Supplementary Funding Fee

Calgary Academy relies on provincial funding to support the education of our students from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Funding is essential to offer our specialized programs and services to meet the needs of our diverse learners.

Provincial funding is based on the enrolment count and completed documentation on the last instructional day of September. In cases where enrolment occurs after the September count date, or documentation is not completed by the September count date, or your child is not eligible for provincial funding due to their residency status or right of access to education in Alberta under Section 3 of the Education Act, or for any other reason, parents will be responsible for the loss of funding.

If your child is not eligible for funding due to their residency status or right of access to education in Alberta under Section 3 of the Education Act, or for any other reason, an additional payment of $4,544 will be charged for any child who has not been diagnosed with a specific learning disability or any condition that may affect their learning; or $12,461 for a child who has been diagnosed with a specific learning disability, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, language disorder, anxiety, or any other documented condition that may affect their learning.

All Supplementary Funding fees are non-refundable and will not be prorated.

Other Fees

Additional fees apply for some clubs, teams, offsite activities, athletics, and curriculum specific activities. Fees vary and are established at the beginning of the activity and due upfront. Non-refundable. Fees can be viewed and paid online through Rycor, Calgary Academy’s online form and fee management system. Rycor is accessed through PowerSchool.

Medical Tax Letters – $100

Tuition costs for the parents and guardians of coded students may be eligible to be claimed as a medical expense credit under Section 118.2(2) (e) of the lncome Tax Act. Refer to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) website for full details or contact a tax advisor for clarification. Calgary Academy will only provide medical tax letters if requested (generally if required by CRA in review or audit of a claim).

*Payment is due prior to issuance. Letters will be emailed within 10 business days after receipt of payment. If a letter is required, complete the “Medical Tax Letter Request” form available in Rycor – Calgary Academy’s online form and fee management system. Rycor is accessed through PowerSchool.  During July and August, due to school closure, letters could take up to 20 business days.  Alternatively they may be obtained through a family psychologist. Former parents, please contact Finance to be sent a link to the form.

Available Payment Methods for Other Fees

e-Transfer Online Credit Card (Rycor) Cheque

Castle Café

The Castle Café provides fresh, healthy meals to our school community throughout the year. We offer many pre-order meal selections which include a drink (milk or juice) and a dessert. Our menu is populated approximately six weeks in advance on a rolling forward basis. Flexibility is provided to order as many days in advance as available or up to 48 hours in advance. Castle Café is open for a la carte breakfast between 7:45 – 8:20 a.m. and during lunch hours where students may make purchases using their LunchTime card. Pre-ordering or sending an email in advance is not required for breakfast. Students can pick up pre-ordered lunches or purchase a la carte items during their scheduled lunch periods.

Castle Café is a cashless operation using an online program called LunchTime which charges all pre-order selections and à la carte services to pre-paid lunch cards. Parents can log in to LunchTime directly or through PowerSchool to manage pre-orders, view their child’s purchases, and make payments.


Receipts for current tuition, related fees and bussing will be emailed within 10-30 business days depending on the time of year.

Requests for past receipts must be made in writing by emailing ar@calgaryacademy.com and must specify the Student Name and years for which receipts are required. We encourage parents to setup a “Calgary Academy Receipts” folder within their email account to store all receipt emails received from Calgary Academy.

School Years – 2020/2021 and Forward

Receipts will be provided within 10-15 business days.

School Years – Prior to 2019/2020

Receipts may take up to 30 business days to process.


The Calgary Academy Parents Association (CAPA) strives to provide as many opportunities as possible to students with a demonstrated need to attend Calgary Academy. Since 1986, CAPA has provided over $5 million in student bursaries. There are a limited number of bursaries available to assist students with a demonstrated need to attend Calgary Academy. If you require bursary support, please submit the CAPA bursary application forms directly to CAPA when you have submitted an admissions application to the school. For access to the bursary application and for more information, please visit the CAPA website

*An additional bursary of $4,000 per year may be available through the Prosser Foundation for low-income families. Applications are available each year in February with a deadline in late March. Please contact the Advancement office at bursary@calgaryacademy.com for access to the application form or to ask any questions you may have.