Continuity Details
Early in the COVID-19 situation, we began work on the learning continuity plan for CA. As a result, we had activated agile learning teams prior to the break who worked collectively to support the learn from home strategy. These teams are comprised of teachers, Learning and Innovation team members, administration, and administrative support. These agile learning teams have organized and structured our online learning plan which will continue into the foreseeable future. The online learning plan meets requirements laid out by Alberta Education, as well as focuses on the ongoing learning and remedial supports children at CA receive. We will also support our students’ wellbeing and will be offering opportunities for students to explore online Integrative Studies and Physical Education activities.
As we move forward in our new learning environment, we recognize that adjustments will need to be made to ensure that we are meeting the needs of our students in the best possible way. This is new for all of us and we appreciate your support and patience as we navigate our new reality.
Guiding Principles of the Plan
1. Focus on the health, wellness, and safety of students and staff through regular connection and support, with a distinct focus on our relationships.
2. Provide stable learning schedules (adaptable based on family need).
3. Provide predictable and agile learning approaches with clarity, consistency, and presence inclusive of learning supports that meet the needs of our students.
4. Align to and exceed Alberta Education’s guidelines for at-home learning.
5. Incorporate Integrated Studies and Physical Education into the weekly schedule to support a balanced learning experience for our students.
6. Utilize familiar and/or appropriate digital platforms, resources and tools to support student learning.
7. Focus on the student IPP goals that can be achieved in this new learning environment.
8. Communicate learning achievement in a clear and timely manner.
9. Strive to be flexible and adaptive to best meet the needs of our students and families.
10. Maintain the REACH principles with digital citizenship and netiquette.
Managing the Learning
Learning Outcomes
All teachers have been asked to evaluate the curricular outcomes not yet covered in class to prioritize the content to be covered based on what is manageable for students working from home. Each week, parents and students will receive a weekly learning plan, inclusive of learning supports (where appropriate), from their homeroom teacher, with specific tasks and activities for students to complete, along with weekly suggestions for integrative and physical literacy activities. These weekly plans will be collaboratively designed with the newly-formed agile learning teams (teachers, assurance and learning support team members, administration and administration assistants) to ensure that students receive the supports they need and to create a well-balanced and manageable learning experience.
Learning Supports for Students
Our teachers and learning support team will continue to provide ongoing learning and remedial supports to their students. Some of those supports will continue to be embedded in the instructional design. For those students who have received specific supports from the Learning Support staff (Learning Centres, Psychologists, Speech and Language Pathologist), you can expect to hear from these staff shortly to discuss how to best provide the specific supports your child needs.
Assessment of Learning
In the first two weeks of April, teachers will be establishing a baseline for where students are at in their current classes and IPP goal areas. Teachers, along with the newly formed agile learning teams, will collaboratively design online assessment approaches that inform the progression of learning and reflects what has been achieved. When they plan for learning they will make every effort to ensure that students do not experience cognitive overload. Reporting of assessment will follow the normal processes and you will be updated on a biweekly basis on the progress of your child. We will continue with parent-teacher interviews in an online format and will communicate with you when that will occur.
Learning at a Glance
Weekly Schedule
Teaching and Learning Time
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Monday – Thursday
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – Friday
Staff Planning and Meeting Schedule
8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. – Monday – Friday
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Monday – Thursday
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Friday
Elementary K-6 (Synchronous and Asynchronous)
Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics/Numeracy curriculum outcomes while incorporating some Social Studies and Science outcomes.
Learning and remedial supports for students with identified needs
Junior High School 7 – 9 (Synchronous and Asynchronous)
Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics/Numeracy, Social Studies and Science outcomes.
Learning and remedial supports for students with identified needs
Senior High School 10 – 12 (Synchronous and Asynchronous)
Specified and core courses required for high school graduation, including language arts, social students, mathematics, biology, chemistry and physics.
Learning supports for students with identified needs.
Community Guidelines for Virtual (online) Success
Guidelines for Parents
1. Set up a dedicated learning space for your child.
2. Maintain a regular routine at home.
3. Work with your child to organize and plan their day.
4. Communicate regularly with your child’s teacher.
5. Ensure that your child is connecting with their teachers every day.
6. Reach out to your child’s teacher if you have an issue or concern.
7. Ensure that your child is managing their emotional wellness. Encourage them to take breaks, get regular exercise, and are being kind to themselves.
8. Be patient as we work through what is best for every student and how our staff can best support our learners.
Guidelines for Students
1. Maintain a regular routine at home.
2. Participate in the CA online learning environment by following REACH principles, following CA’s Digital Citizenship Board Policy and Student Code of Conduct and Progressive Discipline Procedure found in Appendix A and B in the CA Family Handbook.
a. Note: teacher-led online sessions, including the chat bar, will be recorded.
3. Connect with your teacher daily.
4. Reach out to your teacher for support if you have learning and/or social-emotional difficulties.
5. Complete work as assigned and submit on time.
Guidelines for Teachers
1. Evaluate and prioritize the curricular outcomes that need to be covered between April and June.
2. Collaboratively work with the Learning and Innovation team to plan for student success.
3. Design reliable, predictable, consistent, and engaging online learning experiences for students while being cognizant of cognitive overload.
4. Communicate learning plans with parents and students weekly.
5. Connect with the whole class and with individual students through established means (Microsoft Teams, See Saw, Power Learning, email, and other online systems).
6. Endeavour to connect one-to-one with each student once a week to discuss their progress and learning needs.
7. Identify any student that cannot be reached or is disengaging from learning to their parents and administrator.
8. Identify any student that is struggling with social/emotional needs to the learning support team, AP and parents.
9. Participate in regular professional learning opportunities provided to support online learning delivery.
Guidelines for Learning and Innovation Team
1. Collaboratively work with teachers and identify learning approaches and resources that can be easily incorporated in an online learning environment.
2. Support teachers to collaboratively design reliable, predictable, consistent, and engaging online learning experiences for students while being cognizant of cognitive overload.
3. Provide students and families with support and resources focused on social and emotional well-being.
4. Identify any student who cannot be reached to your supervisor and administration and parents.
5. Engage in regular consultation, and collaboration with teachers, administration and Learning and Innovation colleagues.
6. Provide or participate in regular professional learning opportunities to support the new learning environment.
7. The Information Technology Department will be available to assist all students, parents and staff in a timely manner.
Guidelines for School Operations and Learning and Innovation Administration
1. Establish a communication plan for regular messaging with staff and families.
2. Schedule regular touch points with community and staff in order to adopt new measures for growth, success and achievement.
3. Establish a system where teachers can connect and support one another.
4. Establish a teacher continuity plan in the event a teacher falls ill.
5. Approve collaboratively designed learning plans, with a focus on building consistency among grade levels.
6. Collaboratively coordinate weekly schedule assuring equitable, fair workloads for students.
7. Identify and provide professional learning opportunities to support staff in their new learning environment.
Synchronous learning – Teachers and students meet online in real-time through video conferencing or live chatting.
Asynchronous learning – Teachers create learning experiences for students to work at their own pace and at a time that suits their needs.
Cognitive Overload – is where a teacher gives too much information or too many tasks to learners simultaneously, resulting in the learner being unable to process the information.
Learning and Innovation Team – The Learning and Innovation team is comprised of the Assurance, Learning Supports and Information Technology (IT) teams.
Assurance Team – is comprised of learning coaches, instructional designers, researchers, and a professional learning developer who support staff at Calgary Academy. This team provides assurance to stakeholders that we, as an organization, are committed to accomplishing the learning and innovation goals, strategies, and outcomes in Calgary Academy’s strategic plan.
Learning Supports Team – consists of Speech Language Pathologist, Psychologists, Occupational Therapists (external partner) and Literacy/Numeracy remediation staff who provide a range of services to ensure our students and staff have the supports they need to meet the needs of our learners.
Information and Technology Team – consists of the Power School Administrator, IT Administrators and System Administrator who provide and support technology excellence that advances learning, teaching, research, and student achievement in alignment with Calgary Academy’s core values and the newly developed strategic plan.
Netiquette – is a code of good behaviour on the internet which includes email, social media, online chat, web forums, website comments and other types of online communication.
Agile Learning Teams – were created to shape changing conditions into a positive impact on student learning. The CA agile teams work collectively to bring their collaborative expertise to implement research informed, and innovative best practice in an online learning environment. They are flexible and responsive to emerging problems or opportunities and work to adapt to the learning needs of students and staff.