
A great Strategic Plan is moving picture, not a snapshot, and it evolves and responds to the organization over time. The resources below share where our Strategic Plan began, and showcase where changes have been made based on our community’s feedback.


A great Strategic Plan is moving picture, not a snapshot, and it evolves and responds to the organization over time. The resources below share where our Strategic Plan began, and showcase where changes have been made based on our community’s feedback.



The 2018-2021 Strategic Plan - Year 2 Placemat lays out the 3-year goals, outcomes, and strategies in a one-page glance.

What We Heard


On March 6, nearly 200 stakeholders shared their feedback on our Year 1 progress. Their responses are summarized here.

Previous Strat Plan


Year 1 of the 2018-2021 Strategic Plan can be viewed here.